Guidelines for Article Submissions.

To the Informal Learning Review

Articles should be submitted in Word format. In general, article length should be from four to six pages (single-spaced).

Endnotes: Not footnotes. Bibliography, Note, or Reference style as found in the Chicago Manual of Style.

Heckathorn, Douglas D. “Collective Sanctions and Compliance Norms: A Formal Theory of Group-Mediated Social Control.” American Sociological Review 55 (1990): 366-84.

Douglas D. Heckathorn, “Collective Sanctions and Compliance Norms: A Formal Theory of Group-Mediated Social Control,” American Sociological Review 55 (1990): 370.

Heckathorn, D.D. 1990. Collective sanctions and compliance norms: A formal theory of group-mediated social control. American Sociological Review 55: 366-84.

Font: Times New Roman
Size: 12 point
Paper Size: 8.5” x 11”
Margins: 1 inch on all four sides

Title: The title of the article should be at the top of the first page in bold.

Author Name: The name of the author(s) should appear under the title of the article.

Author(s) Attribution: The author’s name, institutional affiliation/title, and email address is included in a brief paragraph at the end of the article.

Paragraphs: Block paragraphs, single-spaced, with one blank line in between paragraphs. No additional points/spacing before or after paragraphs, just the extra hard return.

Punctuation Spacing: One space after periods, commas, semicolons, or colons.

Photographs and Illustrations: Staring in 2016, the ILR will be printed in color. Please submit high resolution (300 ppi), color jpges. Include brief (5-10 word) captions for all images and graphs. Clearly associate captions with any images provided--also provide photo attribution if necessary.

ILE uses the Chicago Manual of Style as a guide for formatting and punctuation. For example:


  • Use em dashes rather than hyphens for amplifying or explanatory elements (there are no spaces inserted between the em dash and words in a sentence)
  • The titles of museum exhibitions are not italicized, underlined, or placed inside quotation marks
  • Spelling will conform to American English conventions (i.e., center/centre), unless the spelling refers to a proper name.
  • Periods and commas come before closing quotation marks. Colons, semicolons, question marks, and exclamation points follow closing quotation marks (unless a question or an exclamation point belongs within the quoted matter).


However, we use the Associated Press style in formatting numbers:


  • Spell out numbers one to nine and use figures for numbers 10 and above--except use figures for one to nine for addresses, ages, exact dates, decimals and fractions, measurements, and money.